Archived News

OpenTTD 1.3.1-RC1

Time for an update to our 1.3 series. With the first release candidate to OpenTTD 1.3.1 we even ship a few features related to translations:
The translators of Scottish Gaelic and Faroese have been very busy so we now ship also those translations. Generally there are now slightly improved translations of the base sets.

Of course being a bug-fix release there's also a lot of bug fixes which accumulated since the release of 1.3.0. Notably there's a number of fixes related to sound effects and vehicle speeds.

You find the full list of changes and fixes in the changelog. Please give this version a sound test and report any bugs and probelms you encounter in our bug tracker.

Have fun!
Your OpenTTD team

OpenTTD 1.3.0

The first quarter of 2013 is over, so it's time for the first release of the 1.3 series. If you are tired of hopping around and hiding chocolate eggs everywhere, this might be your chance to relax with building some tracks.

On the download page you will also find the complete change log, listing all features, changes and fixes since 1.2.3. If you haven't followed the beta and RC stages, you should take a look at the new game scripts and NewGRF via the in-game content download, which become available when using 1.3.0.

Thanks to all testers involved during the alpha and beta. If you didn't help testing, and now find a bug... well, I guess you are still allowed to report it to our bug tracker :)

Have Fun and Good Game!

OpenTTD 1.3.0-RC3

Here comes OpenTTD 1.3.0-RC3 with a number of fixes and a new titlegame for the 1.3 series. Congratulations to Emperor Jake on creating that savegame. The changelog is found in the usual place. Hopefully it can be the last of the release candidates for the upcoming stable release.

Please help test this release candidate and thus help us to make sure that the stable release really deserves its name :-) Any bugs you encounter go as usual to our bug tracker

Enjoy and thanks for your support!

OpenTTD 1.3.0-RC2

With OpenTTD 1.3.0-RC2 we present you with another release candidate for the upcoming stable release. It includes a number of fixes of bugs found since the last release candidate.

At the same time we'd like to draw your attention to the annual title game selection among some of the best games from the last years. Have a look at the choices, make up your mind and vote.

Please test also this new release candidate thoroughly and report any bug you find to our bug tracker.

Your OpenTTD team

OpenTTD 1.3.0 Titlegame

The recent years we had so many good entries that we decided to give some of them another spin. Thus for this year you have the choice for the titlegame of the upcoming 1.3 release of OpenTTD. You can choose between the uprunners of the last three titlegame competitions.

An overview over the contestants including savegames and screenshots at various resolutions can be found on the titlescreen's competition page.

There will be only one voting round. Each person may rank up to three entries. Rank these entries in order, your first choice is worth 3 points, your second choice two points and third choice 1 point. Votes can be cast by sending an e-mail to me or a message in the forums which lists at most three favourite entries.

Votes for will be accepted till 14th March 2013, 23:59:59 UTC.